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Multi-Lingual Blog tools

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

Copy and Paste Code for Multilingual Blog Translation Tools


Get the code to install multilingual translators on your blog:

(Click on {edit this page} to see it)


Once you copy the code (everything between the <center> and </center> tags inclusive) you have to paste it into your blog template. You'll probably have to click on Preview then cut and paste the code several times until you have it placed exactly where you'd like it. When you paste it in, it will most likely paste as one long line of code. You can see it in action on my personal blog, A Difference or any of my most recent classroom blogs: AP Calculus AB , Pre-Cal 40S (Winter '06) or Applied Math 40S.


This code is configured to work with Blogger only. The translation links will only work after they are pasted into your Blogger blog. You'll have to hack the code slightly to get it to work with other blog engines. If you do, please include a copy of your hacked code on the wiki so others can benefit ... that's what a wiki is for. ;-)


Also, keep in mind that translations tend to make a mess of grammar and syntax; they're good to give a non-english speaking person the gist of what was written.



With flags and descriptive text


Blogger code to copy begins below this line (Click on first)















&#20013;&#25991;&#65288;&#31616;&#20307;&#65289;/Chinese Simplified

Chinese Simplified




Blogger code to copy ends above this line



With flags only


Blogger code to copy begins below this line (Click on first)

Fran&#231;ais/French Deutsch/German Italiano/Italian Portugu&#234;s/Portuguese Espa&#241;ol/Spanish &#26085;&#26412;&#35486;/Japanese &#54620;&#44397;&#50612;/Korean &#20013;&#25991;&#65288;&#31616;&#20307;&#65289;/Chinese Simplified Nederlands/Dutch


Blogger code to copy ends above this line

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